
Write menu copy for a small food business?

By January 31, 2024 No Comments
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Write menu copy for a small food business can be an effective way to entice customers and increase sales.


Ingredient 2

Design a Market Focused Menu


How to write menu copy for a small food business?


Writing menu copy for a small food business can be an effective way to entice customers and increase sales. Here are some tips to help you write effective menu copy:

Keep it simple and easy to read: 

Use short and clear sentences to describe the menu items, avoiding complex jargon and industry terminology.

Be descriptive: 

Use descriptive language to make the menu items sound more appealing and to help customers understand what they will be getting. This could include describing the ingredients, the cooking method, and the taste and texture of the dish.

Highlight unique selling points: 

If there is something unique or special about a particular dish, make sure to highlight it in the menu copy. This could be a specific ingredient or cooking method, or a special recipe that sets the dish apart from others.

Consider your target audience: 

When writing menu copy, consider your target audience and what they might be looking for. For example, if your customers are health-conscious, you might want to focus on the nutritional benefits of certain dishes.

Use mouth-watering adjectives: 

Use sensory words to describe the taste and texture of the dish, using words like “crispy”, “creamy”, “tender”, “spicy”, “zesty”, and “flavourful”.

Include pricing information: 

Make sure to include pricing information for each menu item, as well as any special deals or promotions that may be available.

By following these tips and writing effective menu copy for a small food business, you can help to entice customers, increase sales, and create a memorable dining experience.


Write a description of the dishes you have chosen for your menu.

Learn more…



Webinar: MENU DESIGN…10 essential ingredients to develop a successful menu


How to Design a Market-Focused Menu eGuide

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