
Proper wine storage to maintain quality?

By September 1, 2023 No Comments
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Proper wine storage is essential for maintaining the quality of your wine over time.



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What is the proper way to store wine?


Proper wine storage is essential for maintaining the quality of your wine over time. Here are some key factors to consider when storing wine:


Wine should be stored at a consistent temperature between 45-65°F (7-18°C), with 55°F (13°C) being the optimal temperature. Fluctuations in temperature can cause the wine to age prematurely or develop off-flavours.


Wine should be stored in an environment with a humidity level between 50-80%. Too much humidity can cause mould to grow on the wine label, while too little humidity can cause corks to dry out and shrink, allowing air to enter the bottle and spoil the wine.


Wine should be stored in a dark place away from direct sunlight or strong artificial light, which can cause the wine to become “light-struck” and develop unpleasant flavours.


Wine should be stored in a place where it will not be subject to constant vibrations or movement, which can disturb the sediment in the bottle and negatively affect the flavour.


Wine bottles should be stored horizontally to keep the cork moist and prevent it from drying out. A dry cork can allow air to enter the bottle and spoil the wine.


Wine should be stored in a well-ventilated area to prevent musty odours and mould from developing.


Wine should be stored for a reasonable amount of time based on the wine’s age, quality, and style. Not all wines benefit from long-term ageing, and some wines may even degrade if stored for too long.

When storing wine, it’s best to avoid storing it in the kitchen, laundry room, or garage, as these areas are often subject to fluctuations in temperature and humidity. A wine cellar or dedicated wine refrigerator is the best option for long-term storage, but a cool, dark closet or basement can also work if you don’t have access to a wine storage solution.

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