
Basic principles of cold platter presentation?

By March 3, 2022 No Comments
How to Setup a Profitable Buffet Table. Learn how to create a profitable buffet table to lower your labour and food costs.

The principles of cold platter presentation are the mainstay of the buffet and offer the most opportunity for visual artistry. 


Ingredient 4: Setup a Profitable Buffet


What are the basic principles of cold platter presentation?


It can be one of the most demanding forms of food presentation, particularly in the case of show platters, which require great precision, patience, and artistic sense.

Basic principles:

  • Centrepiece.  This may be an uncut portion of the main food item, such as a pate or a cold roast, decorated and displayed whole.  It may be a separate but related item, such as a moulded salmon mousse.  It may be strictly for decoration, such as a bowl of fresh fruit.  Whether or not this piece is intended to be eaten, it should be made of edible materials.
  • The slices or serving portions of the main food item are arranged artistically.
  • The garnish is arranged artistically, in proportion to the cut slices.
  • The food should be easy to handle and serve so that one portion can be removed without ruining the arrangement.
  • A simple design is best.  Simple arrangements are easier to serve, more appetising than overworked food, and more likely to be still attractive when they are half demolished by the guests.
  • Attractive platter presentations may be made on silver or other metals, china, plastic, wood, or any other materials, as long as they are presentable and suitable for use with food. 
  • Once a piece of food has touched the tray, do not remove it.  Shiny silver trays are easily smudged, and you’ll have to wash the tray and start over again.  This shows the importance of good planning.  Following this rule also helps eliminate over handling of food. 


The size of the platter should be in proportion to the amount of food.  Don’t select one that is so small as to become crowded or so large as to look almost empty even before the first guest has arrived.

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How to Setup a Profitable Buffet eGuide

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